Professionally, I’ve worked in technology since 1998 serving a variety of roles, from desktop support, to my current TAM/EAE work.

I currently work at AWS helping organizations find operational efficiencies in the cloud. This work ranges from architectural improvements such as resiliency & o11y, business and operational process improvements, cost optimization and more. Until then… or –> resume.

A day in the life of…

Here is a simulation of my normal day.

There are links at the bottom for the normal social media things. .

Contact me

You can contact me using my GPG key

Or by plain old email (base64 encoded) bHVpcyBET1QgY2VyZXpvIEFUIGdtYWlsIERPVCBjb20K

Not me (Tocayos)

People I share a name with, but who are not me.

Luis Cerezo PHD, Professor of Linguinstics
Luis Cerezo, Author and Artist
Luis Cerezo, Director en Banco G&T Continental